Aparagon is a verified partner that specializes in helping non-endemic businesses to get more leads using Amazon’s powerful advertising tools — just like the ads we used to reach you!
In the Amazon world, a non-endemic is a company that can advertise on Amazon, but cannot sell products through their e-commerce platform (i.e. non-retail). These businesses, like yours, may be new to Amazon Ads but the platform is well-tested.
How We Can Help
We use Amazon’s advanced advertising tools to create highly-targeted marketing campaigns that reach the right people at the right time. While Amazon is known for retail, we’ve developed a unique approach for using its power and vast consumer data for all types of businesses.
For the first time, Amazon is allowing non-endemics to advertise on its owned and operated properties like Amazon.com, IMDb and Twitch. We can help you use one of the largest media partners in the world to engage new leads on a daily basis.
○ Spend More Wisely – We ensure your marketing budget is used efficiently, getting you the best results for your money.
○ Gain Valuable Insight – We help you understand the people you’re reaching so that you can better connect with them.
○ Run Highly Effective Ads – We deploy campaigns designed to deliver measurable results, so you’ll know what’s working.
Our Expert Team
Amazon Ads generates $50 billion a year in ad buys from those who sell products on its platform. Members of our team have spent years pioneering the tech. We know how to gear Amazon’s advertising tools, no matter what industry you’re in.
Our team is constantly innovating and working to stay ahead of the curve, using the latest techniques to ensure your digital marketing is always effective. Let Aparagon help you get more leads, connect deeper with your customers, and generate better outcomes with the power of Amazon Ads!